Brake Inspection and Service
Visually inspect hydraulic system for leaks and condition Remove all wheels and inspect brake linings, brake hardware and wheel cylinders Remove brake dust and deglaze brake shoes Adjust brakes Adjust parking brake Lubricate backing plate and adjust hardware

Air Conditioning Service
Test system for proper amount of Freon Test Freon for moisture contamination Test Freon for air contamination Clean condenser fin Inspect and adjust A/C compressor drive belt Performance test A/C operation Inspect all visible A/C components for leaks and add Freon dye Test antifreeze for proper mix

Computerized Engine Analysis Service Check
primary ignition signal* Ignition module signal* Computer signalsCheck secondary ignition output* Plug wires* Distributor and Cap* Rotor* Spark plugs Perform power balance test Check alternator output levels Check starter draw Check and adjust ignition timing Check and adjust curb idle speed Test and analyze exhaust emissions

Fuel Injection Service Clean
fuel injectors Clean ISC/ASC motor, as required Clean throttle body intake Visually inspect fuel lines and fuel rail Pressure test fuel pump Test and visually inspect fuel pump, pressure regulator, vacuum line and connections Decarbonize intake manifold Decarbonize intake and exhaust valves Decarbonize combustion chamber and pistons Test exhaust emission

Transmission Fluid Service
test for engine performance, transmission operation and shift patterns Flush transmission cooler and cooler lines Flush transmission valve body Flush transmission torque converter Thoroughly clean all internal parts Flush out all contaminated transmission fluid and replace with clean fluid Install transmission additive to revitalize transmission seals and O-rings Road test vehicle for proper transmission operation Top off transmission fluid

Brake Fluid Service
brake fluid for moisture and contamination Inspect all hydraulic lines and hoses Inspect calipers and wheel cylinders Inspect master cylinder and cap Clean dirt and old fluid out of master cylinder Flush old fluid out of master cylinder, calipers and wheel cylinders until clean Add new brake fluid to master cylinder as needed Road test vehicle for proper brake operation

Wheel Alignment Service Inspect
suspension components for wear Adjust caster and camber if provided by manufacturer Adjust toe-in Center steering wheel while adjusting toe-in Thrust Adjustment Same as above plus compensate for rear wheel tracking Four Wheel Alignment Same as above plus set rear wheel camber and toe-in, as provided by manufacturer

Electrical System Service
Inspect battery connections Charge battery to full capacity Load test battery and record readings Inspect alternator belt and adjust as required Perform alternator output test and record readings Perform starter draw test and record readings Perform test for draw on electrical system and record readings

Advanced Analysis Same as Computerized Engine Analysis Service plus
... Pull trouble codes from computer system Perform computer interface using advanced technologies and equipment, checking the following: * Test all power and ground connections * Test resistance of all wires in wiring harness, perform voltage drop test and record results * Test all actuators and solenoids and record results * Test resistance of all fuel injectors and record results * Analyze results and compare with manufacturer's specifications Compile written results of tests performed with recommendations and cost of repairs
Why Preventive Maintenance?
A properly maintained vehicle is safer and more dependable, lasts longer and makes driving more enjoyable. That's why your Owner's Manual contains detailed maintenance schedules outlining operations that should be performed on your vehicle's components and systems at specific mileage intervals.
What's In It For You?
- Saves you money
- Helps retain that "new car feel"
- Makes driving more enjoyable
- Delivers needed dependability
- Provides safer transportation
- Reduces chance of breakdown
- Contributes to cleaner air
- Keeps your warranty intact
- Increases you vehicle's worth

Do you Know When It's Time To Replace your Oxygen Sensor(s)?
Although some cars have an oxygen sensor "reminder" light to alert you when it is time to check the oxygen sensor, most do not. So, unless there's a noticeable driveability problem or a "Check Engine" light on, most people have no way of knowing if their oxygen sensor is functioning properly or not.
The growth of emissions testing nationwide is changing that, along with the introduction of new "enhanced" emissions testing programs that simulate real world driving conditions while emissions are being measured. The latter is proving to be very effective at catching emission problems that formerly escaped detection. Great! So you'll find out your oxygen sensor is bad only when you flunk your emissions test! Nice to know, huh?

According to a study conducted by Sierra Research, Inc., in 1996, oxygen sensor failure is the "single greatest source of excessive emissions for fuel-injected vehicles" and the second most significant cause of high emissions in carbureted engines.
Oxygen sensor performance can be checked by reading the sensor's output voltage to make sure it corresponds with the air/fuel mixture (low when lean, high when rich). The voltage signal can also be displayed as a wave form on an oscilloscope to make sure the signal is changing back and forth from rich to lean and is responding quickly enough to changes in the air/fuel ratio.
- Air Conditioning
- Alignments
- Alternator
- Axles
- Battery
- Brakes
- Check Engine
- Clutches
- Coolant
- Cooling System
- Computer Diagnostic
- Diagnostics
- Drive Train
- Electrical
- Engine
- Exhaust
- Flat Repair
- Fleet Service
- Fuel System
- Heating and Cooling
- Hoses
- Inspections
- Oil Change
- Overhauls
- Maintenance
- Mechanic
- Emission
- Mufflers
- Power Steering
- Pre-Purchase
- Tires
- Radiators
- Rear End
- Shocks
- Steering
- Struts
- Suspension
- Systems
- Timing Belts
- Tire Balancing
- Tune Ups
- 7500 Mile
- 15000 Mile
- 30000 Mile
- 60000 Mile
- 90000 Mile
- 120000 Mile